

Melanoma services offered in Boise and Fruitland, ID


Fast diagnosis and treatment are essential for aggressive melanoma skin cancers. If you notice an abnormal mole or lesion, visit Idaho Skin Surgery Center’s office in Fruitland or Boise, Idaho, for a prompt evaluation. The team specializes in identifying and treating melanomas quickly to prevent cancer from spreading. Call the Idaho Skin Surgery Center office nearest you or book a consultation online today. Telehealth appointments are also available. 

What is melanoma?

Melanoma is a potentially life-threatening skin cancer. It develops in the pigment-producing melanocyte cells that color your skin. Changes in an existing mole can be the first sign of melanoma, but they can also appear as new, unusual skin growths.

Melanomas are often asymmetrical, forming an irregular shape with uneven borders. They can be varying colors and may change color. Melanomas can occur anywhere; however, they’re more common on the back, face, arms, and legs.

Melanomas typically become more prominent as they develop, so if you have an enlarging mole over a quarter-inch, it might be cancerous. Itching and bleeding moles could also be due to melanoma. 

Contact the Idaho Skin Surgery Center team to arrange an evaluation if you notice these changes.

Why do melanomas develop?

Melanomas result from genetic mutations in the melanocytes. Normal skin cells continually grow and die so healthy new cells can develop, but the abnormal melanoma cells don’t die. Instead, they multiply to form a cancerous lesion.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is the primary trigger for the genetic mutation responsible for melanoma. In most cases, excessive sun or tanning bed exposure is the cause. Melanoma risk factors include:

  • Fair skin
  • Light-colored eyes
  • Freckles
  • Blond or red hair
  • Skin that quickly burns in the sun
  • A history of severe, blistered sunburn
  • Weakened immune system
  • Family history of melanoma

People with 50 or more moles or unusual moles (dysplastic nevi) are more likely to have melanomas.

What treatment do I require for melanoma?

Melanoma treatment most often involves surgery to remove the cancerous lesion. Your dermatologist may excise the tissue, cutting out the cancer and creating a border of healthy skin surrounding it to ensure no cancer cells remain.

Idaho Skin Surgery Center also specializes in Mohs surgery. This advanced procedure causes minimal tissue damage, so it might be preferable for thinner skin and exposed areas like the face.

If melanoma metastasizes (spreads) beyond the skin, you might require further treatments, such as:

  • Immunotherapy drugs to boost your immune system
  • Drug therapy that targets cancer cell weaknesses
  • Lymph node removal surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy

Your dermatologist advises you which treatments will likely be the most beneficial.

Call Idaho Skin Surgery Center to book a melanoma evaluation, or request an appointment via the online booking form today.